June 2022 archive

Nutrition tips for tennis players

When it comes to nutrition, tennis players do not follow the same pattern as those on a regular diet. This is because what they eat determines their performance on a large scale.

Hence, tennis players need to put extra effort into checking out what goes into their bodies because it can improve or deteriorate their performance with time.

Here are some nutrition tips for tennis players

Remain hydrated

If you’ve ever wondered why many sportsmen including tennis players love to hold water bottles, it is because they need sufficient water to remain active.

With proper hydration, you will be able to keep playing for a long time without getting extremely tired.

Water helps you to prevent cramps and many heat-related illnesses that come with intense play. Additionally, taking much water is one of the ways to preserve your strength all through the gameplay.

Take moderate fats

Tennis players need the energy to remain active for a long time and they can get this from fat. However, it must be taken moderately.

Even though fats are not the primary energy source of a tennis player, it helps them to play long matches. Additionally, fats are useful in sustaining the player’s appetite so that they don’t get hungry while playing.

Take enough carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are the best source of energy as they provide fuel for organs, the brain, and the muscles. When you take carbohydrates, they are stored in the body as glycogen.

If a low amount of carbohydrates is taken, it can cause glycogen depletion which can cause fatigue on the court. Therefore, tennis players need to ensure that Carbohydrates constitute around 60% of their diet calories.

Take proteins

Tennis players who are looking to recover fast need to take proteins. Proteins are the building block for enzymes and hormones that control metabolism and other functions in the body.

Little proteins can cause weakness, poor recovery, tiredness, and injury. According to the rule of thumb, proteins should be about 10-15% of the diet calories.

Signs that a tennis player is addicted

Tennis is one of the most popular sports in the world. This means that they face what every other sportsman would encounter when it comes to addiction.

If a tennis player is addicted, it would only be a matter of time before they retire early from the sport.

Addiction can be so powerful that it can make someone less productive because they will be more focused on their addictive habits instead of other important aspects of their life.

Here are some signs that a tennis player is addicted


One of the ways to know when a tennis player is addicted is they will always treasure their privacy. No one is allowed to come into their private space because they could find something incriminating.

Therefore, their private space is off bounds. When you try to get into their corner, they will give you a stern warning to stay away from them.

Physical signs

Another way to know when a tennis player is addicted is through some physical signs that are different from what you can associate them with.

Some of these signs are itching slurred speech, weight loss/weight gain, red eyes, dilated pupils, strange odors, under activeness, lack of personal hygiene, etc.

Loss of interest in other activities

When you notice that a tennis player is not interested in other activities like they used to, it is a strong sign that they might be addicted.

This happens because they are focused on their addiction, and they don’t have enough time to spare for other equally important activities.

Legal problems

Depending on the addiction type, tennis players can be involved in some unfortunate occurrences that can get them in trouble with the law. If they are struggling with drug addiction, they might be held liable for overspeeding, reckless driving, etc.

Tennis players must seek help for addiction treatment when any of these signs are observed. This would help them remain in the game and also live a healthy life.